The way of the world right now is making it steadily more difficult to find the good, but that is not going to stop me from seeking it out, daily.

Through May there were many conversations around here about whether or not it would be better to simply turn off the news, twitter, social media, all the ways tragedy reaches us. I’ve decided for my myself that I don’t want to live in ignorance, but I will slow the flow of how I learn about baffling, truly tragic, events and decisions made here and abroad. I’ve also made sure that I get my news from credible sources relaying the facts and not talking heads who spout opinions, I’m perfectly capable of forming my own. (Though, I absolutely adore the brilliance of political cartoonists. I’m happy to see their observations and opinions. I find, as a group, they cut right to the truth with very little bias or agenda.)

As for some small good things for June?

ONE | Last month I took my truck in to be serviced (replaced all of the brake pads) and had to pick it up at the end of the day. That meant I had to walk. It’s not a long way from my home and younger me would have scoffed at my nervous hesitation which centred around one question: what if it hurts too much and I can’t make it? Well, it did hurt and I made it. The lesson? Face my fear and walk more. So in addition to my reformer Pilates workouts and stretches, I will be taking small, consistent, daily walks. I have a variety of surfaces: steep hills, gradual elevations, and absolutely flat stretches, all options available just out my front door. Now to lace up my sneakers and go outside.

TWO | Throughout May a number of new books from favourite authors were released and I’ve got them all downloaded onto my Kindle. This month I want to read them.

THREE | Not a small project, but in the context of a lifetime, it is - the annual Ali Edwards-led Week in the Life photo + words project is coming up from the 20th through the 26th of the month. I have nothing special scheduled but I will be building my foundation pages over the next few weeks and mapping out what parts of my ordinary extraordinary life I want to include in this year’s book. Certainly it will include walking photos and reading photos - how exciting, eh?

I continue to show up, dare to ask for more, and say yes to all opportunities that resonate with me and my values.

What are some small good things you can do to feel engaged and accomplished?


LOVE | I Carry Your Heart
