January seems to have kicked the stuffing out of me and it’s barely started! I had so many plans to get off to a good start but my body is not cooperating. The frustration would normally be overwhelming, but I’m going to sit back and allow the month to unfold the way it will.

As for some small good things for January?

ONE | Naps. Truly. I’m listening to my body and giving it what it needs, and right now, it needs rest. Between fighting the infection in my right leg (itching and edema) and what I suspect might be my thyroid acting up (exhaustion, foggy thoughts, words not coming easily, lack of appetite, and no ability to regulate my internal temperature way post-menopause). I’m enjoying my new comfy couches and napping daily.

TWO | Self-Care. I’m so grateful to be back with my care team. I’m on the lookout for a lymphatic drainage massage expert here in the area. I enjoyed it so much while on holiday in Jamaica, I need to find someone local to add them to my self-care rotation!

THREE | I’ve joined a local women’s group that offers smaller interest-based gatherings. I’ve joined the Book Club and read “Beartown” in preparation for the gathering in February. I’ve also joined the Dinner Club. It’s a total push outside of my comfort zone, but it’s a push I need!

This year I’m making bold choices and manifesting my best life.

What are some small good things you can do to feel engaged and accomplished in your life?




INSPIRATION | Dream Board 2023